Apple iPhone: Apple says the US Government's goal is to force iPhones to become like Android phone|

The US government is taking legal action against Apple, accusing them of having a monopoly!

The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed a lawsuit against Apple, claiming it has a strong grip on the smartphone market, which is against the law. They say Apple has restricted competition by controlling access to its software and hardware.

Apple argues that if the lawsuit succeeds, it will force iPhones to become like Android phones, and this would go against the uniqueness of Apple products. The lawsuit mainly focuses on Apple's iMessage and how Apple products like the iPhone and Apple Watch work together. The DoJ says Apple's actions prevent competition and innovation, keeping them ahead in the market.

The DoJ questions whether Apple's policies, like not letting rivals use features like iMessage and Siri, are unfair. They also want to know if Apple's strategy of making their devices work best together stops other companies from entering the market. The lawsuit aims to change how Apple operates. The DoJ wants to stop Apple from using its app store and private features to block competition. Apple might also have to pay a big fine if they lose the case.

Since 2019, the US government has been looking into Apple for possible unfair practices, along with other big tech companies like Google, Meta, and Amazon. In Europe, Apple has been fined nearly $2 billion for similar reasons.

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